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Courtney Bailey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Superstar Consultant


My Story

In 2013 I received my first Scentsy warmer and bar as a gift and I fell in love with the concept of it! I didn't know what Scentsy was, so I ran down the street and stocked up on wax from a big box store and used those for years.
In 2016 I had my son, Sam and I knew I wanted to give him the world and the only way I knew how, was to get a high paying job so he would never be without anything he wanted.
In 2017 I attended my first online Scentsy party and quickly realized those big box store bars I was using.... Sucked! I bought laundry stuff, a buddy for Sam, new warmers and so many bars. The consultant from that party asked if I wanted to change my customer order over to a business order and make a commission on my order. I told her No and instead had a party of my own where I spent even more money than I should admit to! We became internet friends and I also went to her for all my Scentsy goodies.
A few weeks later, my friends started hosting their own parties and my internet consultant friend reached out again to see if I wanted to join and make the commission instead of her, and I again told her no.
In 2018, I was still spending more money than my husband will ever know on Scentsy products and my consultant internet friend invited me to attend a Scentsy event, World Tour, in my hometown as a guest and told me I'd receive a free gift for coming, which totally sold me and I went.
I walked into this convention center in Las Vegas and almost turned around when I saw the sea of purple. I had no idea how I let myself be talked into going to this massive event where I only knew one person from the internet, for a free warmer and bar. Before I could talk myself into leaving, I saw my one internet friend smiling and waving me over to a smaller group of women. Despite not knowing me, they all welcomed me and made me feel like I was one of them. I couldn't believe how close this small group of beautiful people were and how they could be so full of spirit for a wax company, but as I was leaving the event with my free warmer and bar, I was determined to find out.
When I went home and told my husband I wanted to join Scentsy, he said no, but a week or two later I decided to do it anyways and joined under my internet consultant friend and became a consultant myself. Today my husband is more than supportive and never stopped believing in me during my journey.
My journey through Scentsy from 2018-2022 has been full of ups and downs, moments of success and failures, moments of happiness and sorrow, moments joy and anger, but through it all, I had my Scentsy family. They were there for me for everything I went through Scentsy or home related. They sent me flowers in my moments of medical hardship, gift cards for coffee in my moments of loss and grief and sent me love during my moments of weakness.
I am so thankful for my Scentsy family for always being there, but the thing I am most grateful for, is how they showed me what I was chasing in 2016 for my son, money, success, and things, was not what was important. They showed me that what was really important was spending time with my son and family and being present. I will be forever grateful for how Scentsy has changed my life and I will never stop going.

What's warming in my home